Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 6 (CTS-6)
When to use
Symptoms and history
Numbness predominately or exclusively in median nerve territory sensory symptoms are mostly in the thumb, index, middle, and/or ring fingers)
Nocturnal numbness symptoms are prominent when the patient sleeps; numbness wakes the patient from sleep)
Physical examination
Thenar atrophy and/or weakness the bulk of the thenar area is reduced or manual motor testing shows strength of grade ≤ 4)
Positive Phalen test flexion of the wrist reproduces or worsens symptoms of numbness in the median nerve territory)
Loss of 2-point discrimination a failure to discriminate two points held ≤ 5 mm apart from one another, in the median nerve innervated digits, is a positive test suggestive of carpal tunnel syndrome)
Positive Tinel sign light tapping over the median nerve at the level of the carpal tunnel causing radiating paraesthesia into the median nerve innervated digits but not proximally)
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